Saturday, August 31, 2024

#5: New beginnings bro!!

 Hey :)

I'm doing better. I have a new coworker! Two apparently, but I've only met one so far. He's super fun, I think he's a great fit. He gets shit dooooone too. Apparently this dude from my school works at the weed store across the street from my work, because I saw him behind the counter yesterday and we talked a bit lol. he sat behind me in chem for a semester. He's cute - also the weed store employee that I think is fineee was there! He's scrumdiddlyumptious. Anyway, I was buying edibles for me and my pals as we were having a sleepover that night. I had a lot of fun! Someone got a haircut, and i brought them all candy. they told me they had really nice highs and I'm so happy i did them right!! I love my friends sooo much. I wish i got weed for myself though. A whole 3 day weekend with no weed :( but i'll get some tmr idk what i'm complaining about. I got a lot of homework done just now by listening to rain noises and putting a video of sea animals on my computer. i felt so motivated. who knew? 

My classmate looks like Ryan Reynolds and Jake Gyllenhaal. He's cute and he dresses nice but he's a bit too clean and perf for me i think. My anatomy teacher is the best and gorgeous!!!!!!! We're eventually gonna dissect cats though.

No One Noticed by The Marias >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>!!!!!!!!

I'm so gay.

Quote today: "I'll love you 'till the day that I die!" - (I can't believe i'm saying this) Billie Eilish

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