Saturday, August 31, 2024

#5: New beginnings bro!!

 Hey :)

I'm doing better. I have a new coworker! Two apparently, but I've only met one so far. He's super fun, I think he's a great fit. He gets shit dooooone too. Apparently this dude from my school works at the weed store across the street from my work, because I saw him behind the counter yesterday and we talked a bit lol. he sat behind me in chem for a semester. He's cute - also the weed store employee that I think is fineee was there! He's scrumdiddlyumptious. Anyway, I was buying edibles for me and my pals as we were having a sleepover that night. I had a lot of fun! Someone got a haircut, and i brought them all candy. they told me they had really nice highs and I'm so happy i did them right!! I love my friends sooo much. I wish i got weed for myself though. A whole 3 day weekend with no weed :( but i'll get some tmr idk what i'm complaining about. I got a lot of homework done just now by listening to rain noises and putting a video of sea animals on my computer. i felt so motivated. who knew? 

My classmate looks like Ryan Reynolds and Jake Gyllenhaal. He's cute and he dresses nice but he's a bit too clean and perf for me i think. My anatomy teacher is the best and gorgeous!!!!!!! We're eventually gonna dissect cats though.

No One Noticed by The Marias >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>!!!!!!!!

I'm so gay.

Quote today: "I'll love you 'till the day that I die!" - (I can't believe i'm saying this) Billie Eilish

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

#4: Mamma Mia

I'm fucking depressed again this is sooo stupid. What am I even on prozac for if I still want to kill myself? I think it's because I stopped taking birth control so I'm on my period. also i'm breaking out

I finished Class of 09: The Re-up today! The secret video message freaked me out. and I made some Poison Ivy buttons for my backpack. 

I feel like doing literally nothing omfg. I haven't done my homework yet but I will later. I watched love island and went to walmart but otherwise i'm just rotting. I had a psl the other day though, i love fall.


Quote today: "I'd rather play dead at a necrophilia convention,"

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

#3: Suffering


I am so sick of fake ass bitches. FAKE ASS BITCHES. FAKE ASS BITCHESSSSSS.!!!!!!!! I'm SICK! OF! THEM! Where do they come from??? RAUUUGGHHHH. Girls don't want liars. Girls want takis, ben & jerry's, and girlfriends. FUUUUUCKK Y'ALL. (Not y'all. I mean liars.)
I'm literally just a baby why don't we all just recognize that we are making mistakes and learning and communicate and do the right things. If that was the case I'd be so super forgiving, but these people keep making the same bitchass choices so I am not

I looked through my old best friend's Spotify today. She stopped talking to me months ago, and instead she's friends with my ex. She said if I ever broke up with him she'd stick with me but here we are! It's all good though, I realized she's not all that anyway. She's a little crazy. Anyway, I looked at her playlists and she's sad. Not to be a bitch hater, but she started it, so whatever: DESERVED! FUCKING DESERVED! She's got a fat case of only child syndrome where she gets what she wants and emotionally abuses her boyfriend and cries every day. She'll be just like her horrible mother. So be fucking sad! Listen to Radiohead and Mitski and CRY. Because you know who you are, you know what you did, and you know you will never be a good, complete person. You will hurt people. 

First week back in school after the summer. Now I have to see her and her boyfriend and my ex's friends. They KNOW. THEY KNOW HE HURT ME AND THEY CHOSE HIM! THEY DIDN'T EVEN KNOW HIM BEFORE ME! THEY KNOW WHAT HAPPENED AND THEY STAY WITH HIM BECAUSE THEY ARE SELFISH. what is moral may not be what you want to do, but you should still do it. he'll survive without y'all. is he so much more important than my feelings?

I love Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy

shoutout to real ones

Quote today: "You think you just fell out of a coconut tree? You exist in the context of all in which you live and what came before you"

I love you.
it's gonna be okay fr

Saturday, August 24, 2024

#2: Rodrick

I think my brother could look exactly like Rodrick Heffley... if he cared about his appearance.  Like literally just add hair gel and guyliner.

Pretty girls don't owe people a personality. No one gets upset when ugly girls are dry! Let me be boring!!!!
My best friend posted a selfie with my ex today?? I have decided I will plant bombs in both of their stomachs.


I think I'm like Ramona Flowers, Alice from Twilight, and manic pixie dream girls in general. And every Bojack Horseman character.
I think summer made me gayer

I hate everyone pretty much

I need my parents to go  back to normal. They've been awfully distant from each other for months now. I need my best friend to stop being flaky.

Quote today: “Sometimes I don't get you,' I said.
She didn't even glance at me. She just smiled toward the television and said, 'You never get me. That's the whole point.” - Looking for Alaska


Friday, August 23, 2024

#1: Intro

 First blog post!!!! ❤✬❀

I'm starting a blog because I have a lot of thoughts to share, but no other platform I'd like to share them on. No way am I using X or Threads; that's lame. I love pink, the internet, and girls :) I am lazy and my brain is rotted through, but at least I'm a real one.


ALWAYS REMEMBER to eat down, take pride in your interests, and be your own beautiful self <3
I love poison ivy
brat summer isn't over and is in fact just getting started
I think I'm going to open an animal shelter when I grow up and I'm gonna put cute murals on the walls and it'll be like high-end but for animals and super humane
Quote Today: ”This is the skin of a killer, Bella.”